Plastic degradation refers to the polymer to reach the end of the life cycle, molecular weight decline, manifested as plastic brittle, rupture, softening, hardening, loss of mechanical strength, etc., the degradation of ordinary plastic bags need to experience decades or even hundreds of years, non-degradable plastic bags for landfill or incineration will pollute the environment, in order to protect the environment there is the invention of biodegradable plastic bags.
Degradable plastic bags are plastic bags that are more easily degraded in the natural environment by adding a certain amount of additives (such as starch, modified starch or other cellulose, photosensitizers, biodegradable agents, etc.) in the production process to make them less stable.
Classification of biodegradable plastic bags
Photodegradable plastic bags In the plastic mixed with photosensitizers, in the sunlight so that the plastic gradually decomposition. It belongs to the earlier generation of degradable plastic, its disadvantage is that the degradation time is unpredictable due to sunlight and climate change, and therefore cannot control the degradation time.
Biodegradable plastic bags under the action of microorganisms, can be completely decomposed into low-molecular compounds of plastic. Its characteristics are convenient storage and transportation, as long as it is kept dry, no need to avoid light, wide range of applications, not only can be used for agricultural land film, packaging bags, and widely used in the field of medicine. With the development of modern biotechnology, biodegradable plastics are getting more and more attention, has become a new generation of research and development of hot spots.
Light / biodegradable plastic bags Light degradation and microbial combination of a class of plastics, it has both light and microbial degradation of plastic characteristics.
Water-degradable plastic bags Add water-absorbent substances in the plastic, after use, discarded in water that can be dissolved, mainly used in medical and health appliances (such as medical gloves), easy to destroy and disinfection treatment.
Identification of biodegradable plastic bags
The biodegradable waste logo
Biodegradable garbage logo on the biodegradable plastic bags have a unified Chinese environmental logo, for clear mountains, green water, the sun and the ten rings of the green logo, if the plastic bags for food, but also printed with food safety permit qs logo, and marked "for food".
Storage time
Biodegradable plastic bags have a shelf life of only about three months, even if not used, to the fifth month, there will be natural degradation phenomenon. The sixth month, plastic bags will be littered with "snowflakes", can not be used. In the composting conditions, even the newly produced biodegradable plastic bags, only three months, it can be completely degraded.
Post time: Oct-18-2022